The Office of 可及性服务 offers accommodations for students with chronic illness, 临时医疗条件/运动损伤, 怀孕/哺乳或残疾.

Alvernia University understands and follows the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and all other federal, state and local regulations regarding chronic medical and disability-related conditions. Anyone covered by the ADA who has specific needs will receive reasonable accommodations. Alvernia遵循第九条 and will provide accommodations as requested by a physician for students who are pregnant or nursing.


The Office of 可及性服务 is located in Bernardine Hall, Room 105C. 我们的无障碍服务总监,Andrea Swift,可以通过以下方式联系 可访问性 or 610-568-1499. 传真号码是484-335-4486.


Institutions of higher education have the obligation to make informed decisions about accommodations. These decisions may not always coincide with recommendations from outside professionals or with prior Individualized Educational Programs (IEPs) and 504 Plans. Students who do not agree with the accommodation decisions of the Office of 可及性服务 should follow the process outlined below.

A student who disagrees with the appropriateness of a decision regarding accommodations should speak first with the Office of 可及性服务 Director Andrea Swift to resolve the issue. 

If a satisfactory resolution still cannot be reached, the student has two options. 学术住宿, 书面申诉应送交首席学术官, 临时教务长玛丽·艾伦·威尔斯. For non-academic accommodations related to medical and physiological disabilities, 包括校园通道(住宅), 教室, social and athletic) written appeals should be sent to Senior Vice 总统 for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Mary-Alice Ozechoski.

If the provost or senior vice president for enrollment management and student affairs (as appropriate) feels the decision settled upon by the Office of 可及性服务 Director was reached according to ADA guidelines, written notification of the decision will be issued to the student and kept in the student’s file in the 可及性服务 Office.




在大学阶段, 学生有责任为任何住宿提供便利, who must provide the appropriate documentation outlining a diagnosis and request for accommodations. 你高中的IEP没跟上你.


合理的服务和住宿包括, 但不限于, 延长了测试和作业的时间, 在教室外的隔离地点进行测试, 使用录音机和在教室的优先座位.

我想我可能有资格获得残疾人服务,但我不确定. 我该怎么办??

Contact the Director of 可及性服务 prior to the start of the semester and submit a request for accommodations and a copy of your IEP and/or 504 and/or professional evaluation.  如果需要进一步的文件,我们会通知您.


You should request accommodations prior to the start of your first semester on campus. 返校学生应于开学时提出申请. Students qualifying for accommodations must see Andrea Swift to request that letters for instructors are generated. Letters will be given to the student in person at the beginning of each semester. It is the student's responsibility to distribute these letters to each instructor.

Receiving information regarding any physical concerns in a timely manner is important as 可访问性 arrangements can take some time. Please contact Andrea Swift as soon as possible if there are any mobility or other issues of a physical nature. Official documentation will be needed to establish and maintain any accommodations.

请注意,审查文件需要时间. It may take a week or more between the submission of documents and the start of accommodations. 住宿从来没有追溯力.  请做相应的计划.


申请校园住宿可以通过 阿尔弗尼亚学生健康门户网站.

  • Applications can only be submitted by students who have been accepted to Alvernia University and committed to attend. 您将需要您的学生证和密码登录到门户网站.
  • An authorization for release of information form must be completed and signed electronically. 此表格可以在您的在线申请结束时找到.
  • 您的申请必须包括您的残疾的官方文件. 请参考下一个文件要求下拉选项卡.


  • 保持现状.e., 劳工处在过去五年内完成的工作, 最近6个月有精神障碍, or last 3 years for ADHD and all other disabilities (NOTE: this requirement does not apply to physical or sensory disabilities of a permanent or unchanging nature)
  • 确定诊断
  • 酌情描述当前的学业、情感或健康功能
  • 描述功能限制
  • 包括经评估证明合理的教育建议
  • Be supported by complete relevant educational, developmental and medical histories
  • Include the names and scores of testing assessments used to make specific determinations
  • 由相关领域的合格专业人员准备, 谁不是学生的家庭成员
  • 打印,签名,并在正式的信笺上

Records supporting the use of services in high schools or other institutions are helpful in assisting Alvernia staff, 尽管IEPs等报告, 标准操作程序和其他大学残疾服务提供者的信件则不是, 在自己, 自动认为足以满足此文档要求. Alvernia professional staff reserves the right to request additional information to determine appropriate services or eligibility, 如果有必要的话


Documentation is maintained in a secure file accessible only by the Office of 可及性服务. 文档不与他人共享. 如果请求, general information about the student’s accommodations may be discussed on a need-to-know basis with faculty or administrative professionals.

The Office of 可及性服务 is committed to maintaining utmost discretion in matters involving students’ disabilities and related matters. Pertinent information related to records may be shared with university personnel only when deemed necessary and appropriate to facilitate the student’s access to programs and services. Requests to share information with persons acting in roles external to the university will be considered only with prior written approval by the student. Files are usually maintained for five years beyond a student’s last registration with the Office of 可访问性, 之后它们就被销毁了.



安德莉亚·斯威夫特. D.






